Wow! The month of March just flew by, and we honestly don't have any pictures to show for our time here yet. Yes, sad in a way, but also a testament to how busy things have been for all of us.

Adham began his training with the State Department several weeks ago, and is truly loving every minute of it. Extremely packed days, but a wonderful class of people to get to know, great instructors and coordinators, and a very exciting future to look forward to. On the first day of training, the class received the list of jobs they could bid on, and Crystal and Adham spent the next ten days researching them to come up with their top 25 choices. Here's an excerpt from the overall list we received:

Beijing, China

Buenos Aires, Argentina

Colombo, Sri Lanka

Guatemala City, Guatemala

Kingston, Jamaica

London, United Kingdom

Manila, Philippines

Maseru, Lesotho

Moscow, Russia

Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

Seoul, S. Korea

Tokyo, Japan

Yerevan, Armenia

Can you guess which of these cities we may have put among our top 25? We will find out our destination on April 13th, so stay tuned!

Crystal and Tasman have also been keeping very busy. Besides fighting off colds from the sudden change in weather, they have started attending new playgroups here in the Arlington area, a couple times a week. Tasman has been continuing his fascination with highway cones and recycling bins, and loves going shopping with Dad when he gets home in the evening. His adaptability and flexibility in adapting to the new environment is an example for us both!