Today is November 1st. If you had asked us a month ago if the new baby would have been born yet, we would have responded with a resounding, "Why yes, of course!" Well folks, we are still waiting. Aunt Sandi is here from Arizona to help out, Tasman is very ready to welcome his new brother, Crystal has just about had enough of the aches and pains of late pregnancy by now... So, when the new one does make his appearance, we will let you all know. Send us patient thoughts of a smooth birth -

For now, you can amuse yourself with a couple of pictures from Tasman's Halloween celebrations.

Update: The news you've all been waiting for!

Atlas Izzedine Zibas Loutfi arrived at 1:23 am on Wednesday, 3 November. He weighed 8 lbs., 6 oz., and was 21 inches long. He ended up being delivered by C-section after Crystal had labored for 29 hours - both mom and son are doing fine, big brother Tasman is thrilled to have his little brother here, and dad is wondering if we will all ever sleep through the night again! Here are some pictures...